Marketing Without Social Media

Get your business discovered online without relying on social media. Learn the tools and strategies that are slower, more sustainable, and don’t require you to ‘show up’ daily to make sales.


You have a business you want to grow, and ideas you can’t wait to share with your most aligned audience…. but you’re not sure how to do this without using social media.

Let me guess…

You have a business or idea you love and can’t wait to share with the world… so you joined Instagram or one of the other social channels thinking this would help you build a thriving online business…

But after consistently posting and doing all the ‘right’ things, you still find yourself endlessly scrolling for ‘inspiration’ or comparing yourself to others…

You feel burned out by social media and like ‘there must be another way’ but you either lack the knowledge or time to invest in alternative strategies.

You dream of a sustainable approach to marketing - one that lends itself to your energy, your time, and your creativity….

You crave a strategy that doesn’t require you to ‘show up’ daily to make sales… one that feels authentic and true to your creative spirit.

Do any of these resonate with you?

You currently feel you have to be online constantly in order to make any sales in your business

You feel overwhelmed and exhausted by social media and crave an alternative approach

You’re wondering how to drive people to your website without relying on social media so much

You want to attract an aligned audience of ready-to-buy customers and know people can find your business even when you’re not ‘online’

You feel drawn to exploring platforms like Pinterest, blogging, podcasting, and want to learn email marketing

Marketing Without Social Media


You don’t need another generic ‘content calendar’ to follow for posting to Instagram, or a reels course showing you how to go viral.

You know you need to market yourself, but you’re fed up with the repetitive endless cycle of churning out 24-hour content and you’re craving a more sustainable approach - one that honours your time capacity, energy and desire to not be ‘on’ all day every day to make a sale…

What you need is someone to teach you:

→ How to continually build an aligned audience easily month by month

→ How to create a freebie opt-in that will help you build an email list you can sell to

→ How to use Pinterest, blogging, or podcasting to reach your people

→ How to build a marketing plan - one that won’t burn you out each week

Sound about right?

Em Huckstep

You probably have questions going through your head each week like

→ “How do I grow my business without social media?”

→ “Where do I begin with Pinterest marketing?”

→ “How do I send emails that resonate and connect with my audience without feeling salesy?”

→ “How do I write blogs and build an online content system that shares my message?”

→ “How do I reach the right people and build an online presence?”

→ “How do I set up automations and use tech to support me?”

→ “How can I repurpose my content and easily schedule content months in advance?”

This isn’t just another marketing course, this course helps you build an online brand without relying on social media…. sounds good right?

**exhales sigh of relief that you don’t need to learn how to go viral just to be a business owner**

I’m here to give you the full game plan on marketing without social media so you can use your time more wisely. Forget having to show up evry day to make a sale, and forget live launching on repeat - say goodbye to the feast famine mode of operating your business.

This course is marketing education unlike anything you’ve seen before.


Marketing Without Social Media

A unique self-paced course designed to help you utilise evergreen marketing strategies like SEO, Blogging, Pinterest, and Emails to grow a thriving business that doesn’t burn you out.

This course will teach you the practical strategies to implement to help your business be found online by the right people. It will also delve into the energetics of marketing and selling so you can learn how to sell without feeling sleazy or pushy.

So whether you want to quit social media or simply not rely on it solely for your sales, this course will show you how to do it.

Your Investment in this offer

Pay your way - No interest added.


Business Foundations

Audit your current business and learn my signature FANS funnel framework. Craft your magnetic message, connect to your customer, design your product.


Freebies & Web Pages

Create your own high-converting freebie and discover the techniques and strategies you can use to craft compelling websites and landing pages.


Email Marketing

Build your own email funnel welcome sequence and learn the fundamentals of email marketing to make sales, even when you’re out of office.


Tech & Automations

Create your own high-converting freebie and discover the techniques and strategies you can use to craft compelling websites and landing pages.


Long Form Content

Build your own email funnel welcome sequence and learn the fundamentals of email marketing to make sales, even when you’re out of office.


Content Strategy

Create your own high-converting freebie and discover the techniques and strategies you can use to craft compelling websites and landing pages.


Set Up Pinterest

Find and curate your keyword list for SEO, build your fully optimised profile and learn how to strategically create pinterest boards, pins, and come up with Pinterest content.


Email Marketing

Build your own email funnel welcome sequence and learn the fundamentals of email marketing to make sales, even when you’re out of office.

from burned out to booked out

Em Huckstep

Hi, I’m Em and I’m so glad you’re here.

My story starts back in 2018 when I qualified as a Yoga Teacher and Health Coach. I soon became booked out and was teaching 15-20 classes per week and seeing a full roster of about 10 health coaching clients. I was making bank but I was burned out.

I soon transitioned away from yoga and focused solely on Coaching. I used my decade of experience working in corporate marketing to weave together my brand and sales expertise with my Coaching education to become a Marketing and Business Coach. Again, I found myself booked out, with a team of 5, and earning the elusive 6-figures, but still, I wasn’t doing it sustainably.

Fast forward ti 2022 and I finally found my flow! I work around 20 hours a week, regularly reach and surpass my income goals, and most importantly - I’m not burned out.

My mission is to teach both the energetics of being a magnet for your audience through messaging and brand visibility, along with sharing my hands-on strategies for managing a workload based on limited time within the week. You definitely don’t need to work a 40 hour work week to see success - you need simple, practical, sustainable strategy instead.

Read my story.


Less time on socials,

more time growing your biz.

What I have found in the online business world, is that there is this pressure to be on socials - even if it doesn’t suit your energy type or time capacity.

Many of my customers come to me because they’re short on time and need marketing that doesn’t mean creating social content every single day, or they are just fed up with being on the social media hamster wheel and feeling out of control with finding and signing customers.

I’m here to tell you that you do not have to rely on, or even be on, social media to attract clients and make consistent sales month on month.

Marketing is more than social media, and this course will introduce you to the proven techniques and strategies that will help you build a solid, sustainable marketing plan that won’t rely on you being on social media. I’m not saying you have to ditch socials entirely - maybe you want to - but maybe you just want to know you can take a month away from IG and not lose sales.

Either way, I’m so excited to teach you! My approach weaves together a strategic approach with an energy-aware focus; meaning there is purpose and intention behind everything we do and implement, but I also come at this work from an angle of “how can I look after my energy, time, and capacity?”

So if you’re curious about exploring the realms of Pinterest, blogging, funnels, email marketing, and more then Marketing Without Social Media is perfect for you.

Course Love

Zoe, Intuitive Business Mentor

Georgia, Therapist & Yoga Teacher @_georgiagriggs


  • I've worked with Em to help me create a social media strategy. Em doesn't just tell you what you could be doing, Em will coach you and actually tell you what you need to be successful in a simple easy to follow way.

    Georgia Griggs, Yoga Teacher

  • I've signed 2 new 1-1 clients and have re-launched my 1:1 program aiming for 10 sign ups. I've changed my pricing in order to get more confident at sales and will increase this over the rest of the year

    Clare Richards, PT and Fitness Coach

  • [The Course] broke everything down for me in a manageable and actionable way which helped me become a lot calmer when dealing with my business, and a lot less overwhelmed. Overall, an excellent experience.

    Anna Douglas, Fashion Brand Consultant

  • It was such a great decision to work with Em. She not only guided me but she asked me the right questions in a 'relaxed' environment so I could figure out my answers without pressure and then she got exactly what I meant and helped me translate it into my message and marketing. Something it would have taken me weeks.

    Maria Fano, Life Coach

  • I had a 60mins Clarity Session with Em and she was brilliant. I loved how practical and realistic she is, gave me lots of ideas and helped me plan my weeks/months ahead in a sustainable and efficient way. Thank you Em!

    Reut Sapir, Women’s Naturopath

  • Her guidance proved invaluable. She helped me chart a clear and actionable plan for my brand coaching business. Through Em's coaching, she skilfully guided me through my goals, challenges, and aspirations; and I gained clarity on key aspects of my business.

    Stef Ruggeri, Brand Coach

  • Em has given me confidence, clarity and a clear direction for growing my business. Her marketing insights and tools are valuable - I highly recommend her services!

    Rhiannon Duffin, Photographer

  • Since working with you I am now completely confident in doing my business my way, without guilt. Your support has allowed me to trust myself & my process. You've stopped me from trying to please everyone (inner people pleaser alert!) & fine tune my message to the women I really want to work with. It's working - I'm now getting inquiries from my ideal client.

    Gemma, Marketing Coach

  • I've gained useful insights, tools and understanding of how marketing works, what's possible for me as a business women (which is a real breakthrough!) and I feel empowered to take my business forward in my own way. Which is great! I've seen a lot of change in the last few months in my work. I feel well-prepared by our time together

    Alice, Yoga Teacher

Your Questions, Answered

  • This program is for creative entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, freelancers, creatives, and all business owners wanting to create magnetic content in the online space, in a way that feels good.

    My work aligns well with those seeking direction, clarity, and supportive guidance. I mostly work with women who are short on time - maybe due to parenting or other work - and want to build repeatable, sustainable systems to grow their businesses.

    Some of the industries I have supported with this work include: photography, business management, business coaching, wellness, creatives, artists, nutrition, life coaching, designers, marketers. If you want to organically attract an aligned audience, this course is for you.

  • MMM is a live 4-week group program comprising of 4 weekly live group calls that will also be recorded and available to re-watch at any time, it will also include pre-recorded tutorials and video lessons, plus you’ll get access to templates on Notion and other resources.

    There will be a group Slack channel for weekly questions and community support. And there are 2 optional co working sessions to hold you accountable on your content creation.

  • Yes - You can pay in full £444, or over 2 months £222 per month, or split across 4 months and pay £111 per month.

  • Think of this program as having two main componants: one - learning how to craft messaging and marketing copy that’s persuasive without being pushy, building your messaging plan so you know exactly what to say to convey the value of your work, and two - a clear plan of action to create and post content moving forwards including having a planning template and 100 unique content ideas.

Terms & Conditions

Upon purchasing you will receive an email with call dates and times and be added to the calendar meetings with the call links. You will also gain access to the online learning portal and receive a link to join the Slack channel. Should you need any assistance after purchasing you can email

Please note that all sales are final - no refunds will be offered for this program due to the nature of the course being online and always accessible. The price is in British Pounds. Please check an online conversion calculator to find out your local rate.

You will have access to the program for the duration of its lifetime.

Any other questions? Email