How to Craft an Authentic Message That Magnetises Your Audience
‘Messaging’ is part of your brand as a whole. It’s the first thing you need before you can market yourself. Because until you know what you’re saying, nothing else will happen.
Let’s define marketing and messaging:
MARKETING: How you ask people to connect with you and buy from you. It’s how you pitch yourself, your customer journey, your growth plan, and your sales strategy. It’s the things you DO.
MESSAGING: The perception and feeling you want to generate for your audience. Messaging sits within your branding (language, design, aesthetic, values) and it is the relationship between YOU and your CUSTOMERS. It’s the things you SAY.
So what goes into ‘messaging’?
Key Phrases and Words
Emotions (subconscious) and Feelings (conscious)
Overall Value Perception (see below a description of conveying value)
Your Unique Selling Points - what makes you different?
Your ‘one-liner’ - think of this as your introductory statement: what you do, why you do it, who you do it for.
Getting Started
STEP ONE: Convey Value
Your customers need to understand the true value of what you do.
VALUE = "importance or worth for something or someone"
Your 'messaging' is what you communicate to other people to create a desired perception about what you do and how you can help them.
To start crafting your message in regards to conveying value, think about these:
What is the ‘TANGIBLE VALUE’ (what do they get?)
What is the ‘LOGICAL VALUE’ (why is your product worth it for them?)
What is the ‘EMOTIONAL VALUE’ (how will they feel?)
STEP TWO: Find your ‘why’
Get clear on your why and centre your message around that. People love a story, we love a reason to connect with a brand.
Writing out your origin story may seem pointless, but weaving the reason why you started your business will build genuine connections with your customers.
Connections = Trust = Sales
STEP THREE: Know Your Customers
If you don’t already, get to know your customers. It’s wasy easier to figure out what to say and how to say it, when you know who you’re saying it to!
Figure out who your customers are by doing market research, speaking to people you think would benefit from your products, and based on your own experience.
You want to know where they spend their time, what they value, what their goals and desires are, the ways in which their problems show up for them, and who they are as people.
FINAL TAKEAWAY: It’s not your customer’s job to figure out what you do
It’s easy to take your own knowledge of your brand for granted. You assume people already know everything about you. But don’t be afraid to use simple, straightforward beginner language. Be clear with what you do and why.
Some final tips:
BE SPECIFIC - no wishy-washy messaging here - specific and clear
Get CRYSTAL CLEAR on your target customer - once you know WHO you're talking to you will know WHAT to say
Think about your VALUE - what is your value and who will value it? What will those people need to hear?
NARROW DOWN if you struggle - who is the one person you’re trying to reach? What is the one thing you're selling to them?